Cheetahs are a member of the cat family. They live in the grasslands of Central Africa. They are the fastest animal on land and they are slightly faster than the pronghorn antelope. Cheetahs run up to 98.17 kilometers per hour.
Most of the cheetahs are found in sub - Saharan Africa, and Eastern and Southern African parks. Some of the animals can still be found in southern Algeria, Northern Niger and Iran. They like dry grass, open grassland where they can pick up speed to kill prey.
In general the diet of a wild cheetah is gazelles, wildebeest calves, impalas, and smaller hoofed animals in its habitat. Cheetahs also eat rabbits, birds, hares, antelopes and warthogs.
Cheetahs can weigh up to 72 kg. Cheetahs can grow up to 94 centimeters tall and up to 1.5 metres long.