
Friday 1 July 2016

Alcatraz 100 word challenge

I woke up, I felt dizzy, confused, frightened and scared. I said, how did I get in here. I was furious that I shouted, get me out of here. No response, I cried, saying “please let out, what did I do!!!”.  Then a police officer came and said “shut your mouth you moron”. I replied, saying, what, what are you gonna do.

The police officer got so angry and calls the guards and tells them hit that ugly man. I cried. I called for help!!! 

The people that were in their cells. They  tried to figure out a way to get out an help. They got out then kicked, punched the guards. Then we all escaped an tried to swim away. But none of the guards caught us. I shouted, “i’m free, i’m free”.        


  1. I loved your beginning... "I felt dizzy, confused, frightened and scared." Using four adjectives makes it a powerful sentence.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Very good, and interesting story atu! Try and fix up the mistakes though, it makes it harder to read, but since there were very few mistakes, it was easier for me to know what you meant, but you should still consider fixing it up!

    |' v '| That's an owl btw...
